A common mistake that many eCommerce websites make is that they don’t pay enough attention to their content. Sure, eCommerce is all about the products. After all, the point is to sell as much as possible, and the website is just a venue for that. But that’s precisely the point: if you want to sell as much as possible, you have to attract the people to your virtual store.
In most cases, people come to eCommerce websites from search engines, after searching for a product, based on certain keywords. If your website has plenty of content, it means there is plenty of room for you to use those keywords. Keywords bring people to your shop, where they engage with your content, see that you’re a real, trustworthy brand, and as a result – they buy more.
A good content strategy is essential for site traffic, for getting new customers, and keeping returning ones. But it is also important from an SEO point of view since websites with plenty of quality content will almost always rank higher on search engine result pages.
If you’re a Magento merchant that wants to improve your traffic and retention with good eCommerce content but don’t know where to start, read on, as we have some great ideas for you.
Product Videos
No one want’s to buy a product they don’t know anything about. That’s why product descriptions, complete with information on size, material, colour, caring instructions and so on can be seen on virtually every eCommerce website. But why not take it one step further and offer your customers a product video?
Product videos provide more detailed information about the product and they also give a glimpse into how a product looks and feels in real life, how it interacts and behaves when used. Again, the more people know about a product, the more likely they will be to buy it, so the benefit of this sort of content is very clear.
Another great thing about it is that videos are highly shareable, so your product can easily find its way to many social media platforms and many potential buyers.

Product Comparisons
When considering a purchase, it’s very important for people to see how a product they’re looking into fares against a different product of the same kind. It can be a competitor’s product or your own. Compare the two products using a series of predefined criteria, highlighting both their qualities and their flaws. That way, your customers will see that you’re not biased or just trying to push your own product.
Tutorials and Product Guides
Almost any kind of product that is sold in Magento stores could use some sort of guide, manual, or tutorial. The ideal content of this sort should keep the end-user in mind, meaning it should be written in a simple, clear manner, without too much side content, and with clear step-by-step instructions. Also, don’t use this sort of content to get people to buy stuff from you. Leave the typical salesman language for other kinds of marketing content, and focus on being useful, practical and informative. Your customers will surely appreciate it.
Blog Posts
Keep your visitors in the loop with your brand by sharing important company news and announcing any events you might be organizing or participating in. If you’re attending a trade show or an exhibition, write a short announcement and invite your customers to follow the event or, if possible, attend it themselves. To spice things up a bit, add some interesting photos or videos – even some selfies!

News and Announcements
Keep your visitors in the loop with your brand by sharing important company news and announcing any events you might be organizing or participating in. If you’re attending a trade show or an exhibition, write a short announcement and invite your customers to follow the event or, if possible, attend it themselves. To spice things up a bit, add some interesting photos or videos – even some selfies!
Press Releases
When it comes to informing customers about upcoming sales, offers, and discounts, newsletters are every marketer’s go-to method. If you’re already doing this, and if it’s paying off, you should consider kicking it up a notch with press releases. They are a great, dynamic and engaging way of letting people know what your brand is up to next. Users like this sort of content and if you play your social sharing cards right, your press releases can reach quite a large crowd. Keep in mind, though, that press releases should be just one integral part of your global content marketing strategy, not an isolated activity.
Is your Magento Stores content fulfilling its full potential? If not, contact 2buy1click for proven strategies to increase your sites traffic and retention through content improvements.
Review Site Listings
This sort of content is not ideal for all eCommerce websites and online businesses, but if it makes sense for your company, why not give it a shot? For instance, if you’re running a food store or sell anything food-related, create a Yelp account and engage your friends, family and, of course, your customers in writing reviews and ratings. Thanks to the power of user-generated content, listing services are wildly popular and can do wonders for your traffic.
Online Communities
Speaking of user-generated content, consider setting up an online community on your Magento website where people can discuss your products, share recommendations, impressions, reviews, and everything else. If possible, engage niche experts to interact with your community offering useful insights not just about your products, but about other things related to your line of business. Most importantly, get in there yourself! People will appreciate someone from the company taking the time to talk to them. Search engines love online communities because they consist of real people and real, original content, and they’re good for your brand image too, thanks to the high level of engagement you’re offering to your customers.